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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Ask Dr. Thunder Episode 307

So it seems "Michael Armor" has once again posted on my glorious site with his film related bullshit. Further muddying the distinction between my handsome self and that long- armed Guatemalan broom jockey. I mean come on, it's not like I have a torso so large my ribcage can be used to house a family of Siberian Nomads!

And I hear he molests horses. Well two can play the "comment on contemporary media" game! It's time for Ask Dr. Thunder.

Dear Dr. Thunder,
What do you thi9nk of the new Blink 182 album?

Well, Steven, in a word: Awful. Now, don't get me wrong, I love Blink 182, or at least I did. I listened to Neighborhoods with high expectations as other fans of their work seemed to love it. "Classic Blink" They told me. Whores and Liars. I may not have heard every Blink song, but this album sounds like none of the ones trhat I have heard. It's full of synth and random indistinguishable sounds that aren't quite instruments and piano! GODDAMN PIANO. It reminds me of Angels and Airwaves, whose music I hate with the white hot passion of an exploding sun. The old songs you can tell were just Mike Hopper, Tommy Long and DJ AM playing their actual guitar/bass/drums. I'm not saying synth is a bad thing, in some bands it works rather well, but it is not Blink 182. And another thing, these are soem of the mopiest, most depressign vocals I have ever heard, and I am an avid My Chemical Romance fan. How do you out-depress a band that has a song called "Dead"? Sure the lyrics aren't that upbeat (or in any way as memorable as their old stuff) but you don't have to sign like your dog just fucked your wife and then kidnapped your children. Their older songs had some pretty depressing themes too, like Adam's Song, or Dammit, but they were young then, and not the sad old men they are now, and there was still an air of optimism behind the lyrics. This has been a bigger disappointment then Saints Row the Third. Why would you do that to the Saints Row Franchise, Volition? Saints Row 2 was the greatest video game of all time and you SHIT ALL OVER IT. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT VOLITION? It's like someone made a list of why Siants ROw 2 was great and you specifically dropped those things from the sequel just to fuck with us.

Dear Dr. Thunder,
I keep getting this weird pain in the back of my head right above where my neck connects with the skull? What do you think it might be.

Throat Cancer. I mean the fact that you could choose which set of missions to do, possibly ignoring the other two gangs entirely is why I loved Saints Row 2! IT meant that every play through was different! Things don't always have to tie into each other you money-grubbing bastards. And What the hell is with that Professor Genki bullshit? That's not a diversion, that's just playing through a mission except all the enemies are dressed in mascot costumes! It's not even funny after the first time!

Dear Dr. Thunder,
Finals are coming up and I am just having trouble focusing. There are just too many distractions! I tried going to the library but that didn't help because I still had my smart phone on me. And I cant just leave that behind. What if there's an emergency? What should I do?

Chemical Castration. I mean sure, The Third does have it's good parts. I love the luchadores, and the tanks, and the VTOL aircraft and everything, but did you really have to take out the clothing customization system from SR2 and replace it with that clunky bullshit system. Ooh! The long hair bobs realistically, but now you can't customize the BEAR anymore. You had time to program in a 3 foot purple dildo bat, but not enough time to bring back fight club, or FUZZ or Septic Avenger? For shame, Volition.

Dear Dr. Thunder,
I am dying of a rare disease cal--

And if you are gonna change locales, why do another city? Stilwater was great, I loved it. Steelport just feels like a stripped down version of Stilwater. You could have set it in an LA kind of city, or Miami, or get away from the GTA franchise entirely and set it in a European style city. That would have been awesome! I don't know, I mean I might as well just give up on the franchise entirely at this point! If this trend continues I might just stick with Saints Row 2 and forget this whole ugly chapter even happened. They've already announced Saints Row 4 so they are just gonna plow stupidly ahead without even waiting for feedback. Anyway, that's all the time we have for today. I am going to go catapult strippers into Volition's headquarters until they agree to make me lead programmer. Adios!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Mashups with Just Michael: Attack the Immortal Time

Well it's time once again for movies with just michael. And sure, it's been so long that none of you know what the title means anymore. Just to recap: I had a radio show called Movies with Michael and Mike but it was destroyed by apathy. Then I turned it into movie reviews on my blog called Movies with Just Michael. Then I decided it would be more fun to just mash up all the movies I had recently seen. So that's what I will be doing today, with three movies I saw recently: Immortals, In Time, and Attack the Block. Just a warning, there will be spoilers, although it's up to you to figure out which movie they are from. Let's get started!
So the movie begins when Justin Timeberlake leads his gang of teenage London street toughs in a small Greek village built into the side of a cliff. Despite his tough exterior he still loves his mother, Olivia Wilde despite everyone else in the village despising her because Justin Timeberlake was born out of wedlock.
Little do they know the evil King Hyperion has decided to ravage Greece, stealing all the time for himself with his vast army of Wolf-Gorilla Aliens and leaving the poor Greeks without a day to their name to rot in large apartment blocks. Justin Timeberlake and his band of hoodlums are approached by the Timecops who are amassing in an apartment block built above The Magical MacGuffin Prison. But alas Justin does not yet have the proper motivation to take action because his mother is still alive.
Luckily for the plot of the movie, King Hyperion and his alien horde quickly take care of that, slaughtering everyone in the village and taking Justin and his gang as slaves (Excpet Biggs who hides in a trashcan for the remainder of the movie. While enslaved, he encounters Amanda Seyfried, King Hyperion's daughter and a virgin oracle. She drools in his mouth to bring him back to life and helps he and his gang of London youths escape.
Meanwhile, they have gained the attention of the Gods, who have decided not to help him in any way, despite the fact that if he fails they will most likely all die. In fact, when any of the gods interfere and help Justin, which would have resolved the entire plot within minutes, the King of the Gods, Cillian Murphy, murders them. Because apparently he cares more about the letter of the law then actually doing what is right in a sort of misguided sub-antagonist kind of way.
Justin, Amanda and his gang decide to go to the Magical MacGuffin prison after all, to join up with the Timecops facing Hyperion, who has discovered a magical bow using his magical hyena that can somehow outrun a horse that is running non-stop for three days. Seriously, what was up with that Hyena? Did anyone else notice that?
While the Timecops face down the alien horde, Justin and his gang discover that they are being controlled by pheromones. And so with the help of Amanda Seyfried, Justin lures them into the Magfical MacGuffin prison and blows them up in a gas explosion.
Unfortunately, Cillian Murphy decides to arrest him anyway, refusing to listen to his side of the story because of his low class, but as he is carted off to Time-Jail atop Mount Olympus, he realizes he has gained the respect and admiration of the people.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Ask Dr. Thunder Episode 306

Well folks it's time once again for Ask Dr. Thunder! I haven't updated in a while because my computer was recently possessed by some sort of evil spirit and I was forced to exorcise it using 2,376 rounds of sanctified incendiary rifle rounds. Later I found out that it wasn't an evil spirit, just a small family of mice, who are now burning in mouse hell for daring to defy me. I imagine mouse hell is a lot like those old Tom and Jerry cartoons, except Tom always wins. There were actually a few episodes where Tom actually did win in the end and it sort of made me wonder "Is he going to eat Jerry now?" Because unlike Sylvester and Tweety Bird, Tom was only occasionally interested in eating Jerry. He mostly just hit him with stuff. Or he would be doing something and Jerry would just fuck up his day for no goddamn reason. It's like if the roadrunner came into Wile E. Coyote's house and just took a big fat dump on his carpet then was like "Meep Meep" and booked it. And then later he's like "Why is this guy being such a douche-bag?" My question is, why were the laws of physics themselves being such douche-bags to that poor poor coyote. I mean the dude was just hungry and it's not like there's a KFC out there in the desert or something. Anyway, on to the emails!

Jerald Gauldersson writes:
Dear Dr. Thunder,
So I have the worst boss ever, he's a dick to me all the time, but I just found out that I am going to be laid off at the end of the week from my buddy in HR. Can you help me quit in a way that really sticks it to my boss?

Well Steven, when leaving a job it's important to resist the temptation to burn bridges. After all, these people may be listed as a reference or they might even right you a letter of recommendation for your future careers. It's best to write a simple letter of resignation detailing your reasons for leaving and thanking them for the time you spent with them. Then, break into your boss's house, staple the note to his forehead, and then cut off his genitalia with a machete. Then say "Now that's what I call," (at this point you don sunglasses, even though it is nigth and you are inside) "...A Severance Package" And then scream YEEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH! and escape via fanboat. I hope that helps!

Dear Dr. Thunder,
Despite your repeated denials that you are Michael Armor, I noticed a lot of his writing appears on your blog, and in fact, predates the semi-regular Ask Dr. Thunder feature. How dod you explain this?

Well you got me. While I may not actually be lanky Mexican janitor Michale Armor, I did steal his identity and several pieces of his work in order to hide from my merciless harpy of an ex-wife. You see, back in 1996, my lovely wife Janet somehow transformed into some kind of slug-like bitch monster from the nag galaxy and so I immediately divorced her. Then she wouldn't shut up about me taking all of her possessions, and kidnapping her friends and giving her herpes. Of course what she doesn't tell you is that without that research we woudl have never known you can give someone herpes by shooting them with a crossbwo bolt that you just shot a prostitute with. And then to make matters worse, in 1999 she died in a tragic car accident over the Sea of Japan. I forgot the password to our joint Netflix account and so brought her back to life. Now she doesn't even need to take a break from nagging me to sleep or eat! Was it really worth it to watch the complete run of Sgt. Frog on my computer? Yes. Of course it was. But I needed to be able to post things on the internet so I had to become Michael Armor, Mexican janitor to avoid her relentless zombie bitchtaculosity. I mean the blog does have my name in it so the plan isn't really working too well but in my defense I came up with it while high on mescaline. But trying to come up with a plan while not high on mescaline is like trying to get all of your displaced time clones together in one place to practice our A Capella renditions of Slayer songs. The opportunity is rare is what I'm saying.
Anyway, I need to go make some calls to Dr. Thunder from 2016 to see if his Pilates class on Friday is canceled. You keep sendign in those emails and I will keep not even checking my inbox.
Auf Weidersehen!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Ask Dr. Thunder Episode 305

By Odin's Vagina, has it really been 3 months since my last episode? And who the hell posted Mark Trail Fan Fiction on my blog? What the hell is a Mark Trail? I guess time really flies when you are on a deep sea diving expedition around the world, hunting for the world's sexiest coral formation, so that you can kill it with a hammer. Honestly, I didn't think it would take that long. Of course, I didn't count on getting sidetracked in Thailand. On the brigth side, I now have a steady source of Thai Child Prostitutes. Which I grind up to make Dr. Thunder's Tangy Child Prostitute Meatsauce, now availible in select Walmart locations. But that's not important right now. What is important is you, my loyal reader. Sure, if I updated more often there would probably be more than one of you, but then each update would be less special! Special like the delicious taste of Dr. Thunder's Child Prostitute Meatsauce!

Let's get to your questions!

Dear Dr. Thunder,
I can't stop watching TLC. Does that make me a bad person?

Well Steven, Yes. Of course it does, you awful, awful man. TLC might as well stand for Terrible Life Choices because that seems to be what nearly every show is about. And the rest are about midgets. Let's take a look at some of these shows. First up we have Sister Wives, which is about polygamists. Now, I've had my share of wives in my day, but never more than one at the same time. Well, except for that time I married an entire Czech women's soccer team, but I made them fight to the death until only the strongest survived, so that hardly counts. A commercial for this show indicated that the squadron of wives was concerned that their children may not choose a polygamist lifestyle and, if so, then they had failed as a harem. Fantastic. Continuing the theme of having way too many of a particular family member, we have the crime against humanity that is 19 and Counting. Apparentyl these people hate children so much that they want to divide their attention between as many of them as possible, so that they never have to spend more than a few minutes with them individually. Plus, the bigger ones can take care of the little ones! Hell, the parents can probably just duck out and the kids probably wouldn't even notice, returning only to plop out the next infant on the porch, ring the bell, then return to a life of hedonistic unprotected sex away from their gigantic litter of neglected children. Which reminds me, why, at the GOP debate, was everyone bragging abotu the number of kids they have? Are we supposed to be eager to seperate the largest possible number of children from a parent by giving them a stressful, 24/7 job? Let's move on to Four Weddings: Four strangers attend each other's weddings, and then passive aggressively judge the most important day in this person's life. After roughly five minutes of watching this show, I hated each and every one of those petty bitches. Speaking of petty, Extreme Couponing. Why is this a show? Why do people want to watch someone clip coupons, and then buy things? Sure, it's really cool that they paid $20 for $1400 worth of groceries, but there's literally so little drama that they turn every little computer glitch into a life or death situation with dramatic stings. And it's not like these people even need $10,000 worth of groceries for 58 cents, as most of them have massive stockpiles of groceries, worth hundreds of thousands of dollars filling entire basements and warehouses. That's the problem with coupons and sales and the like. Sure, you're getting a good deal, a retardedly good deal in most of these cases as every other coupon combination somehow makes things free, but do you really need 109 cases of peanut butter? Or 300 2 liter bottles of soda? All you're doing is making the staff o your local supermarket hate you with a fiery passion. Sure, they look happy and are all about helping the "couponers" out when the cameras are on, but when they sell $352,000 worth of merchandise to these people for 2 pennies and an old rubberband, they are losing out on $352,000 that non-crazy people would be willing to pay for those same goods. And the other customers hate them too, taking every last fucking toothbrush on the shelf, clogging up aisles with a train of 21 carts, and taking six hours to check out with 9 seperate transactions. That part's not even an exaggeration. In order to get the most out of their precious coupons they split their shopping into a shitload of smaller transactions. I just... hate them so much.
One last thing, about all the shows about little people TLC is so fond of: Maybe 20% of people who watch these shows watch them and go "Oh, despite their physical differences, little people are just like us! Watching their daily lives is a fascinating and enriching experience." The other 80% are thinking "HOLY SHIT THAT GUY IS A MIDGET LOL! LOOK THEY'RE PLAYING VOLLEYBALL! HA! THEY'RE SO TINY! HEY MARK, YOU GOTTA COME SEE THIS MIDGET SHOW!" That is all.
Well, I have more emails, but I'm far too pissed off to answer them. So instead I am going to go cool down with some spaghetti with a generous dollop of Dr. Thunder's Tangy Child Prostitute Meatsauce. So keep sending those emails, and I will continue ignoring them in favor of fabricated ones tailored to what I feel like talking about. Good night!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Mark Trail Fan Fiction

It was a quiet spring afternoon in Lost Forest as Mark Trail and his faithful canine companion Andy returned home after three weeks of taking pictures of a particularly hilarious squirrel. As he walked through the door of his rustic cabin, he immediately tensed himself for danger. With a quick dart to the left, he narrowly escaped a hug from his wife Cherry, an attractive raven-haired woman in a pink blouse who was inexpicably attracted to him, causing her to slam face first into the door frame.
“Hello Cherry! I have returned at last!” Mark said, giving her a friendly pat on the back.
“I’m realy glad you’re home Mark! It’s been so long!” Cherry, said as she rubbed her forehead in as seductive a manner as she could, “It’s been too long…” She backed Mark against a wall and began unbuttoning his Khaki shirt with one hand and removing the belt from his khaki pants with the other, “It’s time we forgot about business and got down to some pleasure”
Mark shivered as his mind desperately raced for an excuse.
“Ha ha Cherry!” he said nervously, “I’d love to make the sex at you, but I’m afraid I need to… develop… photos! I must develop those photos I took for my job, as a wilderness photographer!”
“Can’t it wait?” Cherry said, sliding a figner down Mark’s exposed chest, eliciting another shiver from the outdoorsman.
Suddenly a loud, low horn rang out through the forest. Mark shoved Cherry into the wall and stepped back outside. A moment later the horn rang out again.
“The Horn of Lok’Patar! Bill needs me! Sorry Cherry, I have to go!” Mark happily rebuttoned his shirt and headed back out into the forest, Andy at his side.
“But what about me!” Cherry called out to him.
“You have Rusty to keep you company!”
“Rusty! Our hideous adopted son!” Mark pointed to the pen at the side of the house where Rusty was playing with various rescued animals, all of whom he had named “Lucky”.
“Oh, right! You know some day, you will give me a child of our own!”
“Ha ha, Gross! Bye bye then!” Mark sped off in his jeep toward his editor Bill Ellis forest compound.

“I’m glad you could make it Mark!” Bill Ellis shook Mark’s hand as the outdoorsman entered his office. Mark’s right fist tingled as he saw the other occupant of the room, a short, wide man, nearly as wide as he was tall, with a thick red beard that came down to his belt.
“Who is that.” Mark said, narrowing his eyes at the long beard.
“That,” Bill said, “Grall Firebeard King of the Dwarves of the Amber Mountains.”
“Did you know he has a… beard!”
“Based on what Cherry tells me he may not be the only one here with a beard” Bill muttered quietly as he sat down at his desk.
“What was that?”
“Hmm? Oh nothing. Anyway Mark, King Firebeard’s people have been trying to clear a plot of land to the south to build a strip mall, but his loggers were driven off by the Bear Queen and her forces.”
“The Bear Queen!” Mark gasped, “But Queen Mary the Grey was slain nearly three winters ago.”
“Aye,” Grall spoke up at last, “But my scouts tell us there is a new bear queen. A fierce beast my men call Margo the Black. She is gathering all the bears of the forests and is planning to drive out both man and dwarf alike.”
“We’ve already lost three wilderness camps,” Bill added, “The rangers are stretched thin trying to defend those that remain.”
“So what do you need me to do Bill?”
“Well, I think the whole thing would make a good story. SO I’m sending you to the Dwarven camp.”
Suddenly the door to Bill’s office flew open to reveal an attractive raven-haired woman in a pink blouse who was inexplicably attracted to Mark.
“I want to come to!” She said,
“No Kelly, it’s too dangerous.” Bill said, as Mark withdrew to put some space between himself and the female, “It would be foolish of you to go.”
“I can do this Bill! I will show you and Mark that I can do anything he can!”
“The answer is No, Kelly.” Kelly turned and walked off in a huff.
“Ha Ha! Women!” Mark said, as he stood up from behind the plant he had crouched behind when Kelly entered the room. “Am I Right? Seriously. Am I?”

The next day Mark and Andy arrived at the Dwarven camp. It was full of idle Dwarven woodsmen, each sporting a thick, lustrous beard and Mark was barely able to restrain himself from punching each and every one of them in their tiny faces. Grall was waiting for him at a large tent in the center of the camp. Standing at his side was an attractive raven-haired woman in a pink blouse that would soon be inexplicably attracted to Mark.
“Hail, human,” Grall said, reaching up to shake Mark’s hand, “This is my daughter, Elizabeth.”
“Why hello there, Mr.Trail, I’ve heard so much about you!” Elizabeth said, batting her eye-lids.
“Hello! You look an awful lot like my wife! Cherry! Who I am married to! This prevents me from making sex at you!”
“Alright, Mr. Trail,” Grall said, “If you’ll come with me, I can take you to the site of the latest attack by the bears.”
Mark followed Grall toward the edge of the forest when suddenly a Dwarven scout came running towards them from another part of the camp.
“My King!” The Dwarf said, “A Human woman went into the forest with a group of rangers, they’re headed for the Bear Queen’s lair!”
“By Odin’s Beard!” Grall shouted, “I shall assemble a war party at once! Mr. Trail, would you like to accompany us?”
“Sure! Can Andy come?”
“The dog? Sure!”
“Excellent! Come Andy! We’re going to meet the Bear Queen!”

Grall, Mark, Andy, and 30 dwarves headed deep into the forest. Along the way they encountered the bodies of those foolish enough to wander this close to the bear queen’s domain.
“Hmm, this is odd.” Mark said to no one in particular, possibly Andy, “Where are all the animals?”
“Bark!” Andy replied.
“They’re scared of the bears.” Grall growled, “they been stripping the land of anything small enough for the bear queen to cram into her gullet.”
Suddenly there was a roar and a shout of alarm and the bears were upon them. A dozen grizzlies closed in on the war party. The Dwarves pulled axes and rifles from their backs and fought back but many were torn apart.
“Rally dwarves!” Grall shouted as he toppled a bear in front of him with an axeto the kneecap. As it fell Mark punched it in the face, which accomplished little more than making it angrier. However, the dwarves sooned a formed a circle and drove off the bear attack.
“Huzzah! We did it Andy!” Mark said, proudly, as the dwarves tended to their dead and dying.
“Six dead, four more wounded.” One of the dwarves said to Grall, “Should we press on?”
“Aye Snorri, none suspected this would be easy.”
After burying their dead the war party moved on, deeper into the woods until they came upon a large cave, filed with bears going about their business. The dwarves hid at the edge of the woods and spied on the bears with binoculars. A huge black bear with a snout coated in dried blood, twice the size of any other bear, strode out of the mouth of the cave, followed by two smaller bears, one with reddish auburn fur, the other with fur the color of golden wheat. The reddish bear pulled a cage, containing Kelly and a pair of disheveled rangers. Queen Margo surveyed the bears around the cave, who bowed to her as she passed. Briefly, she paused and turned to the gold bear. A snarl sent the gold bear back to the cage, where she pulled out one of the rangers and brought him to the bear queen. With a snarl at the other bear Margo snatched the ranger and messily devoured him, adding a fresh coat to the blood around her maw.
“Hmm. There’s Kelly!” Mark said.
“Bark!” Andy agreed.
“Prepare yourselves brothers!” Grall whispered to his men, who drew their weapons, “We’ll never get a better chance to slay the queen!” He then burst from the bushes waving his axe and bellowed a war cry. His warriors followed him, shouting, firing and waving axes and hammers.
“Come on Andy! While they have her distracted, let’s rescue Kelly!”
Mark skirted the chaos erupting in the middle of the clearing in front of the cave and headed for the auburn bear pulling the cage. Upon seeing Mark the bear stumbled backwards in fear.
“Shh… I’m not going to hurt you!” Mark soothed her as Andy went behind her and opened the cage.
“Mark!” Kelly shouted as she leapt at mark and hugged him before he could avoid her, “I knew you’d come!”
“Going after the bear queen was foolish of you Kelly. You are very foolish.” Mark said as he desperately tried to pry her off of him.
“I’ll have to reward you Mark… somehow...”
“I am married to Cherry! Who is my wife! As a married person I cannot have sex time with people who are not Cherry!” Mark stammered, “And also we have to stop the bear queen from taking over the forest!”
“That’s the thing!” Kelly said, finally releasing Mark from the hug, “The bear queen isn’t attacking anyone! The bears are just defending their territory!”
“I knew it! The Dwarves must want the bear queen’s territory for their own nefarious bearded purposes!”
Mark turned toward the battle in the center, where Grall and Margo battled surrounded by a pile of dead bears and Dwarves.
“Grall! The jig is up! It’s time to face JUSTICE!” Mark shouted, distracting the Dwarf King long enough for Margo to land a swipe, knocking him across the clearing and into a tree. Mark walked over to him and as he groggily rose to his feet, punched him in the face, sending him back to the ground.
“Ranger, take him away!” Mark said and turned to the other survivor of Kelly’s party, as he was torn in half by Margo, “We should run!”
“Bark!” Andy agreed.

The next day Mark returned to Lost Forest with Andy.
“Well old friend, now that Elizabeth has taken over the dwarves they’ll be steering clear of the bear’s lands.”
“Once again the Forest is safe!”
“Mark! You’re home!” Cherry said, dropping down from the tree she had been hiding in. Seconds later she had Mark’s hands and feet bound.
“Uh… I am married to Cherry so I cannot, Wait! Damn! Uh… I think Bill is calling me!”
“I cut the phone lines Mark.”
“Uh, Oh look, Andy needs a bath!”
“Doc can bath Andy.”
“I think it’s about time we taught Rusty how to drive.”
“No. No more excuses Mark. You’re going to have sex with me!”
“Bark!” Andy dug the taser deep into Cherry’s back. She fell to the ground convulsing as Andy dropped the weapon and began gnawing through Mark’s bonds.
“Good work Andy! I can always count on you old friend!”

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dr. Thunder Episode 304

Nihao Bitches! Welcome back to Ask Dr. Thunder. Now, I totally intended to publish this entry on the 4th of July, in order to commemorate The United States secession from The Japanese empire. Yes, on that day in 1565 the North American Free People's Alliance celebrated repelling the vast Japanese invasion fleet from the shores of our nation's first capital, Laguna Beach, using a wide variety of fireworks in order to make the American wizards seem much more powerful then the novices they actually were. To this day we celebrate the wizard's deception by recreating it with a wide variety of colorful, illegal explosive devices!

However, thanks to my traditional 4th of July 4 hour keg stand, I am just now recovering from a massive hangover! So let's get started! Our first email comes from Johann Gutierrez from Guadalajara, Saxony. He writes:

Dear Dr. Thunder,

Now that Swine Flu has proven to be less apocalypticy than promised, I am in dire need of things to be needlessly terrified of! Is there any new super disease I can be afraid of on the horizon?

Well, Steven, you're in luck! On a research trip to an undisclosed mountain range in Chile, I stumbled upon a herd of Indian Elephants, imported by a group of Punic War reenactors and then abandoned that showed symptoms of a disease that, when passed on to humans, will not only cause a slwo, agonizing death over the course of a month, but will rape your wife, burn your house to the ground, and raise your children as its own. Then, when your friends ask about you, it will make disparaging comments about you, while running up enormous debt in your name. So there you go Stevey!

Dear Dr. Thunder,

How do we keep foreigners from stealing our jobs?

Well, Steven, since you did not specify which foreigners, or what country you are from I am forced to assume you are a Norwegian man outraged by Canadians coming in and stealing your menial labor positions. Well, the obviosu solution would be to construct some sort of wall around the perimeter of your country and fill the Norwegian coastline with depth charges calibrated to take out shitty rafts. However, the crafty Canadians will find a way around no matter how high or explosive you build your walls/depth charges. No, as long as Norway is a better place to live than Canada, they will find a way, because there will always be unscrupulous Norwegians willing to hire them for less than honest strapping Norwegian workers. So the real problem is that Canada is a festering, lawless shithole. Like all problems, this can be solved with money. Unfortunately, Canada has no money, possibly because all the workers are fleeing across the Atlantic. So one possible solution? Maybe put some factories or something in Canada. That will not only help build their economy, transforming it into less of a shithole, but also still allow Norwegian business owners to take advantage of dirt cheap Mexican labor. I mean Canadian. Then again, what do I know, I'm a doctor, not an economist. In fact I'm not sure why you would even ask me. It's almost like I am trying to stir up controversy so people will pay attention to me or something.

Well, I have to get started pre-gaming for my annual labor day fifty hour hedonism contest, so I am going to retire to the Cocainatorium. Remember to keep sending those emails to and I wil lkeep pretending that I read them. You can also leave a quetion in the comments or soemthing, I don't know, I'm an economsit not a computer programmer.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Dr. Thunder Episode 3OH!3

What is up, dawwwwwwwwgs?
Today's episode is only a few days late, which makes it on time, by my standards! As such, we will not be needing my usual round of excuses. For the record though, it totally involved the harvesting of testicles from live bears. FOR SCIENCE!

So let's move on to the emails! Our first question comes from Skipper in Warsaw, Thailand. He or possibly she writes:

Dear Dr. Thunder,

Boxers or Briefs?

Well, Stever It's like my Great-Great Uncle Erasmus Thunder says in his classic book Erasmus Thunder's Guide to Justified Persecution : "He that wears garments BENEATH his garments, away from the sight of man and Our Lord God must surely be touched by the hand of SATAN and knowledgable of Dark Magicks and must thusly be shunned and destroyed" So there you have it. Go Commando.

Dear Dr. Thunder,

I woke up this morning and my feet were itching a lot. I looked at them and there appeared to be some sort of weird yellowish growth. Is this some sort of fungus?

No Steven, I'm afraid you have feline leukemia. Your best option is to amputate your feet, set them on fire, and then lock the ashes in a small room, which you must never enter again. Finding new feet can be annoying but I suggest stealing them from a homeless person. The lazy bastards aren't using them anyway. And speaking of annoying, those facebook statuses that are just a long paragraph about a cause ending with a request to repost it have been pissing me off lately, and not just because the suffering of others amuses me (that's why I became a doctor, after all) no, it annoys me because it gives people the idea that they are somehow making a difference by reposting it. "Raising awareness" only works for things that people have never heard of and actually need attention drawn to them. I'm pretty sure everyone has heard of cancer at this point, so asking them to re-post, as opposed to, you know, donating their time and money to actually help research cancer treatment just gives them an easy way to "help"without actually doing anything. But gettign back to your problem, Steverino, you're probably going to die.

Dear Dr. Thunder,

When will you make more videos? I am illiterate and thus cannot take advantage of your wonderful blog version.

Dear Stevie Nicks, Sophisticobra Studios, where Ask Dr. Thunder used to be filmed, was burned to the ground last fall, taking with it, much of our camera equipment and personnel. So unless you feel like buying me a new camera and/or camera operating slave, it's going to be a while before our video making capabilities are at full capacity.

Well, I grow weary of this inane drivel. I'm going to retire to the Orgy-dome now, but you keep sending those emails, and I will keep pretending to read them.

Send your questions to

Friday, June 17, 2011

Dr. Thunder Episode 302

Look Alive, Sunshine, It's time for Ask Dr. Thunder!

As Usual we begin with the latest in my ongoing series "Excuses for Why I Never Update"

It was Thursday, the Marconi brothers had just built a time machine in an attempt to prevent their own deaths, caused by a previous time machine, but they needed an expert on traveling the infinite plains of the Time-Space Continuum. That expert was me.

I arrived at the Marconi's compound deep within Mount Kilimanjaro, expecting the expedition into the currents of time to last only three hours, seeing as time travel theoretically can be done without any time passing in the timestream from whence the travelling commences. And then the owls arrived.

A flock of Great Horned Owls, genetically engineered by my Arch-Nemesis Dr. Phineas Laserpimp, attacked the Marconi's time lab, disrupting their equipment and sending us to the time of Napoleon's wars. After slaying the French Emperor we were able to jury rig a reality displacer using seventeen hamsters, a Spanish Galleon, and fourteen tons of peat moss, but the 19th century equipment was not as precise as our modern instruments and we only just recently emerged from the timestream.

Also I hate you and don't care what you think. Let's get started!

Our first email comes from Daniel Kilroy, of Rochester, Qatar. Daniel writes:

Dear Dr. Thunder,

I read somewhere recently that Canadian scientists cured Cancer! but the pharmaceutical companies refused to mass produce it. Why are corporations such dicks?

Well Steven, first of all, if there was a cure for cancer, it certainly wouldnt come from that frozen half-french hellscape to the north. Second of all, corporations are dicks, but pharmaceutical companies are dicks that make drugs, sweet, sweet drugs, which kind of keep us all alive. Hell, I'd be dead right now if it weren't for the potent cocktail of Prozac, Excedrin, Vagisil, Ritalin and Jaegermeister I consume once every three hours. More likely these crafty Canadian devils were just trying to play on people's natural instincts to despise corporations as greedy, faceless monsters in order to get themselves attention and, therefore, sweet-ass government grants.

Next email!

Dear Dr. Thunder

You look an awful lot like my friend Michael Armor. Are you related to him?

Well Steven, I looked up this "Michael Armor" person and frankly I am insulted that you would compare me to that freakishly tall Mexican with long, ape-like arms. I am told he fancies himslef a "writer" but, like most members of the Mexican race, is some sort of theme park janitor. How would he even write with those Orangutan arms? He would need some sort of special keyboard, I think. Next Email!

Dear Dr. Thunder,

When will the meek inherit the earth?

Who told you the meek would inheirt the earth? Sounds like someone trying to make you feel better after someone larger than you stole your woman and farted in your mouth without actually having to do something about it. I sort of get the thinking, that assholes are constantly murderign each other, so eventualyl the only people left will be "the meek" but the thing is, meek people rarely get laid, whereas assholes get all sorts of pussy. I should know! I am literally rolling in vagina! I'm having sex as I write these very words! Sure, it's difficult and whats-her-face isnt too happy about it, but who gives a shit what she thinks? Who am I, the meek? NO! FUCK THE MEEK.

Anyway, my point is that due evolution favoring strong-willed males, there will always be assholes, so the meek will inherit absolutely nothing never.

Well all this talk about the meek inheriting my sweet, sweet earth from me has gotten me all riled up so I am going to write some death threats to Dirk Nowitzki. If you have a question fro Dr.Thunder, send it to Xtremedoctor@gmail .com so me and my staff can laugh at you before inventing our own questions to answer. Til next time, bitches!

Hootenanny and Shenanigans

So I have decided to start updating this blog more regularly. Not because Ithink any of you purely hypothetical readers are interested, mostly to hone my mighty writing talents. Speaking of which, here is my latest story:
(Note: Please excuse the terribly phonetic Irish accents)

It was a foggy night down at the docks, empty but for a lone figure carrying a briefcase, nervously glancing around him. Finally a black SUV pulled up a few feet from him, disgorging a trio of muscular thugs, dressed in the traditional Mafioso muscle uniform of sunglasses, ponytails and cheap suits. The sunglasses probably weren’t such a good idea, what with it being a foggy night, but these men weren’t exactly chosen for their brains. As the thugs secured the area, to the best of their sight-impaired ability, a fourth man emerged from the car, carrying a duffle bag. The man with the briefcase quickly slinked over, continuing to glance around him. He reached out his hand to shake, but was stopped a foot away by one of the half-blind thugs. The man took a step back and feigned fixing his hair, as though that were his intention the whole time.
“Do you have the stuff?” he said after a moment.
“Aye lad. Have ye the money?” The mobster said, his eyes drifting down to the briefcase.
“Oh! Yeah, yeah I got it!” the man said, raising the briefcase and fumbling with the lock. With a click it popped open to reveal rows of crisp, unmarked hundred dollar bills. The mobster snapped the briefcase shut and handed it off to the nearest sunglasses thug. With a light toss, the duffel bag landed at the man’s feet and the mobster turned to leave.
“Happy to be doin’ business wit ye lad.”
As he was helped back into the SUV by another thug, a shrieking whistle pierced the night air. A moment later an explosion tore through a sea container just to the left of the SUV.
“Damn I missed.”
Detective Jack Hootenanny tossed the RPG he had “borrowed” from the evidence locker aside and pulled out a pair of gold-plated Desert Eagles. From his rooftop vantage point he could see two of the thugs pull out their own pieces while the third quickly shoved their boss into the back seat. Hootenanny leapt from the roof of the warehouse he had been observing the deal from onto a nearby sea container and began firing a hail of bullets in the general direction of the mafia heavies.
A lucky shot hit a pile of rope and elicited a scream from the terrified man with the briefcase who had found cover there almost immediately after the explosion. The thugs by now were returning fire, their accuracy understandably quite low. On the other hand, Hootenanny’s accuracy improved as he got closer, leaping from sea container to sea container. One of the thugs fell, clutching a gaping hole in his neck as Hootenanny veered to the left, tucked into a ball and rolled to a stop behind a dumpster, reloading as he hit the ground.
“Forget tha fookin’ Psycho! Get me the fook out a here!” The mobster screamed as both surviving thugs ducked into the SUV. The tires screeched as the car turned around and drove out of the docks. As it reached the exit gate it suddenly exploded into a fireball, smashing into a parked car on the opposite side of the street and catching a dilapidated warehouse aflame. Hootenanny calmly stood up and brushed himself off, noting with a grimace the several minor fractures he had sustained from one of his several leaps off the roof.
“Ah, land mines, like a spike strip with attitude.”
He heard a moan from nearby and bounded over to the man with the briefcase’s hiding place. He lay curled in a fetal position clutching a bleeding bullet wound in his shoulder.
“Oh good! A survivor.” Hootenanny grinned maniacally as he hauled the man to his feet, pistol whipped him back to the ground, and hauled him back to his feet, “The Chief’s always happy when there’s someone left to interrogate.”

The Chief was not happy. Chief Michael Angerman paced back and forth behind his desk, the sweat beading from his brow and dripping off his beet-red forehead on to the perfectly groomed mustache that he wore, as was mandatory in his department. Suspenders pulled tightly at his shoulders, snaking down over his regulation white shirt, struggling to lift his brown slacks. Hootenanny, lounging in the chair across form him, calmly tooled with a toothpick in his mouth, jutting below his own standard issue mustache, and above a neatly trimmed beard. In contrast to the professional look of his superior, the brash young detective wore an aging brown leather jacket, Yankees cap, and cargo shorts, which even now bristled with armaments.
“Damn it Hootenanny!” The Chief shouted, slamming a hand down on a splay of documents on the desk in front of him, “You caused 145 thousand dollars in property damage, killed four suspects, and destroyed most of the evidence. You’re a loose cannon!”
“That reminds me, have we put that anti-tank rifle into the evidence locker yet?”
“You are this close to suspension Hootenanny, you are going to start doing things by the book or I am going to find someone who will.”
Hootenanny’s face suddenly hardened and he turned on the chief, grabbing the overweight man by his sweat-stained white shirt.
“Damn it Chief! You know the only book I play by is my own!”
His shirt still clutched in the detective’s hand, The Chief grabbed Hootenanny’s shirt, locking the two lawmen in a sort of awkward embrace. After a few moments, the two men let go, and silently agreed to never speak of it again.
“Do you know what that suspect you brought in told me you did to him?” The Chief asked, as he sat down at his desk and picked up a testimonial.
“Nothing that scumbag didn’t deserve.”
“He said you raped him, Hootenanny.”
“With the long hard dick of the law!”
“No, with your penis. You had forced, non-consensual sex with a suspect.”
Hootenanny coolly sat down across from The Chief and leaned back.
“Textbook Hootenanny. That will teach him to consort with criminals.”
“Look, I’m going to give you one more chance. And one other thing: A partner.”
Hootenanny leapt to his feet and slammed a fist down on the table.
“Damn it Chief! You know I’m a lone wolf! Ever since the tragic death of my partner four years ago!”
“He retired Hootenanny!”
“He was dead to me.”
“I need someone to reign you in before you bankrupt this department and besmirch our good name.”
“So who’s it gonna be then? Dirty Steve? Crazy Martinez? Some Kind of Death Machine O’Reilly? Don’t tell me you’re shacking up with Devastatingly Handsome Rick. I hate that bastard. That beautiful, beautiful bastard…”
“No, it’s a new guy, just transferred in from Chicago.” The Chief pressed a button on his intercom, “Dolores, send in the new guy.”
Detective John Shenanigans entered the room nervously. He was a portly man, yet tall, with olive skin. Although he wore the standard issue aviators of his profession, his mustache had not fully grown in yet. He reached out to shake Hootenanny’s hand but the other detective sneered and looked away.
“John Shenanigans, seven years experience on the Chicago P.D,” The Chief said as he lifted Shenanigans’ file from his desk to show Hootenanny, “And he’s gonna help you crack this case.”
“I cant believe I gotta work with a terrorist.” Hootenanny said, getting up in Shenanigans’ face “You speak English, Osama bin Lardass? You spying for Al-Qaeda?”
“I’m from Pasadena, you racist fuck!” Shenanigans replied.
“I’m kidding!” Hootenanny smiled and slapped Shenanigans on the back, “MY brother-in-law is from Dubai. Can you imagine if I was like that though? Add a whole different dynamic to our relationship.” Just as suddenly as it appeared the smile disappeared, “But just because I am tolerant of all races and creeds doesn’t mean you don’t have to watch your ass!”

“So what do we need to know about the case we’re working on?” Shenanigans asked as the two detectives strolled through the police station.
“All you need to know is to keep quiet and let me do my job!” Hootenanny replied, reaching his desk and sitting down.
“Or you know, I could just go ask someone else, I mean I’m sure-“
“The Irish Yakuza” Hootenanny interrupted him, lighting a cigarette and taking a long drag.
“I don’t think you’re supposed to smoke in here.”
“Founded two decades ago when a Yakuza boss was exiled to Dublin, then came back over to reestablish a prescence, after some cross-breeding with the local boys over on the emerald isle of course, The Irish Yakuza have been a pain in this city’s ass for years. Their latest scam seems to be selling toasters to any poor fool who can meet their price. Last night I busted up a deal and nabbed the buyer, he’s in holding cell # as we speak.”
“Why would they be selling toasters on the black market?”
“That is what we need to find out. Turns out selling toasters isn’t, in fact, illegal, even if you do it in the dead of a foggy night down at the docks, so no matter how much evidence we have we can’t bring these guys down til we get to he bottom of this.”
“So why are we holding the buyer then? It sounds like we don’t have any evidence against him.”
“There’s something you gotta understand, rookie. Guys like us, we’re the law. You, me, Fudge Calhoun, Sex Detective, we uphold the law and it is up to us to determine who has infringed on our precious law. Finding out what, specifically they did is secondary to making sure justice is served.”
“What about due process?”
“Due process? I’ll show you due process,” Hootenanny pulled out one of his gold-plated Desert Eagles and pinted to an inscription on the side.
“That says ‘habeas corpus’.”
“Oh, shit,” Hootenanny returned the pistol to his holster and drew it’s twin, “There. This one’s due process.”
“Well, it just seems like-“
“Look rookie, I don’t know how you do things over in Chicago, but over here we get shit done! Now let’s interrogate us a goddamn suspect!”

In typical interrogation room fashion, a single beam of light shined down on to the suspect, the only light in an otherwise pitch black room. From behind the light source, stepped Shenanigans, the suspect’s terrified visage reflected in the frames of his aviators.
“I didn’t do nothing.” The suspect said as Shenanigans sat in the chair across the small wooden table from him.
“We haven’t accused you of anything Mr…,” Shenanigans looked odwn at the file in his hands, “Morgan. We just need to ask you a couple questions about thye docks last night.”
“The… docks… he isn’t here is he?”
“The cop who fucking raped me! If I see that psycho I will seriously flip the fuck out!”
“Look, my partner isn’t here right now. Just tell us why you were buying toasters down at the docks, instead of at, say, a hardware store or something.”
Suddenly Hootenanny lurched out of the darkness and seized Morganby the shoulders.
Morgan screamed as Hootenanny leaned in and bit his nose off.
“JESUS CHRIST HOOTENANNY!” Shenanigans shouted as he grabbed his partner.
Morgan’s screams turned to gurgles as the blood from his nose filled his gaping mouth.
Morgan tried to pull away, prompting Hootenanny to smash his head into the table, smashing it in half and knocking the suspect unconscious. The detective then pulled out a large bottle of kerosene from his jacket and poured it over Morgan’s body. Shenanigans grabbed his arm as Hootenanny pulled out a Zippo lighter.
“Calm down man! He’s unconscious, we can’t get anything more out of him.”
Hootenanny breathed heavily for a few moments before calming down and putting the lighter away. He kicked Morgan in the ribs then stormed out of the room. Shenanigans knelt down to confirm the suspect was still alive and joined his partner a moment later.
“Man, that was like the worst ‘bad cop’ ever.” Hootenanny said nonchalantly as he pulled out a cigarette.
“What the hell Hootenanny? Is that how you treat all your suspects?”
“Well, he’s still alive, so… no.”
“How do you get any information from these people? At all?”
“Well… Wikipedia mostly. And sometimes random pedestrians just start telling me intimate details of criminal activities and then running away.”
“This is ridiculous! What do the other detectives think of this?”
“Well, after Some Kind of Death Machine O’Reilly interrogates someone, there’s usually not even a body left. Also when he arrests someone. And when he issues parking tickets. In fact, he pretty much brutally murders and dissects almost anyone he comes in contact with. Oh hey, there he is now!”
Hootenanny waved at a massive, ten foot tall monstrosity hovering over a desk, it’s grotesque, half organic, half machine torso protected by a chitinous shell, out of which protruded bone-structures, from which mysterious vials were strung. A pair of massive fore-arms, one wielding a massive razor-sharp hook, the other with a series of winches, chains, and smaller hooks, and a number of smaller arms, topped with a variety of hooks, claws and syringes poked from beneath it’s shell. At the bottom of its torso was a metallic mound, from which sprouted a number of jars filled with viscera and a long scorpion like tail ending in some sort of cannon. Its head was an expressionless steel mask, upon which someone had glued a fake mustache and aviator sunglasses. A smaller arm along its shoulder waved back at Hootenanny.
“That’s a detective?” Shenanigans asked, agape.
“Oh yeah, O’Reilly’s been on the force for forty-six years now.”
“Ok… it just seems like… never mind. So what’s our next move?”
“Easy, we take to the streets. We hit the Irish Yakuza on their home turf and get some real answers.”

Hours later the two detectives sat in a car across the street from Ieyasu Branagan’s Irish Sake house. A half dozen Japanese-Irish thugs stood inconspicuously around the entrance. From the humble wooden sign hung a flag, bearing a shamrock superimposed over the rising sun.
“You ready to do this partner” spat Hootenanny as he popped the trunk to reveal enough firearms to overthrow a small island dictatorship.
“Well, I’m still not entirely sure what the plan is.” Shenanigans said, as Hootenanny shoved a submachine gun into his hands.
“Simple, we go in there and have a little chat with the local boss, find out what the deal is with the toasters, and arrest the lot of them. Now shove that down your pants, we’re trying not to arouse suspicion.”
“I’d just like to go on record saying I don’t think this plan is going to work.” Shenanigans tossed the submachine gun back in the trunk and gaped at what appeared to be a World War II flamethrower.
“You have a better idea?”
“Well we could actually investigate that crime scene last night, or, I don’t know, look at the toasters? Am I the only one that’s actually occurred to yet?”
“Too late, while you were yapping I already killed like four of them.”
Shenanigans looked up from the trunk and saw Hootenanny casually gunning down a fifth Yakuza thug. The survivor fled inside shouting frantically.
“Well what are you waiting for,” Hootenanny lifted the flamethrower from the trunk, “Let’s do some good ol’ fashioned police work.”
Reinforcements and panicked patrons began pouring from the sake house. However all they found outside was a fountain of flame as Hootenanny torched the ever-loving shit out of the façade of the building and anyone unfortunate enough to attempt to leave through the front door. Unfortunately moments later the flames began to sputter. With a disappointing drip the flamethrower ran out of fuel.
“Well that’s lame. I knew I should have filled it up after that meth lab last Friday…” Hootenanny removed the flamethrower and tossed it back in the trunk as Shenanigans stood up from where he had been cowering behind the car.
“This is not police work!” Shenanigans shouted, gesturing wildly at the burning building, “This is you being a fucking psychopath!”
“Nonsense! Now that we have them scared, they’ll tell us anything!”
A bullet shattered the rear window of the car as the survivors began to fire back.
“Or they’ll FUCKING TRY OT KILL US!” Shenanigans resumed his cowering, firing wildly at the burning building. A moment later, Hootenanny joined him, crouching down and fumbling with his belt, “What are you doing now, asshole?”
“These pants are slowing me down, if we’re going into that firestorm, I’m going to need complete freedom of movement!” He gave up on the belt and reached up into the wheel well of the car’s back tire, drawing a Bowie knife, which he used to cut away his cargo shorts, revealing a complicated system of holsters crisscrossing his pale legs. Satisfied and pants-less, he stood up, drawing his twin Desert Eagles and began marching toward the Sake house, firing wildly as he drew closer.
“You dumb bastard…” Shenanigans said, as he reluctantly provided covering fire for his partner. A moment later Hootenanny, having cleared out the pitiful survivors in the antechamber, beckoned Shenanigans over to him, as he stood framed by the burning doorframe. Shenanigans sighed and ran across the street to join him.
“Alright partner,” Hootenanny said, drawing Shenanigans closer as they stepped into the building, “We need to find the sauna, that’s where the Yakuza big-wigs hang out and plot their nefarious mixed race criminal activities.”
“Okay, first of all, I’m pretty sure this place doesn’t have a sauna, and second I think anyone important probably would have escaped out the back do-“
Shenanigans was interrupted by a massive explosion coming from the back of the building.
“That’s why I set claymores!” Hootenanny said, giving Shenanigans a friendly punch on the shoulder, “I mean that’s just basic Stakeout 101! TO THE SAUNA!”
Hootenanny advanced further into the building, shooting anyone he encountered and singing a jaunty Irish tune.
Shenanigans looked outside to the firetrucks which were just now arriving and consoled himself with the thought that there was always a chance he and Hootenanny would be sent to different prisons.

“Damn it Hootenanny!” Chief Angerman raged, “I’m tired of your SHENANIGANS!”
“Are you referring to my partner or my playful, reckless behavior.” Hootenanny smirked, sitting once again in front of the Chief’s desk as Shenanigans stood shamefully at his side.
“You know damn well what I’m referring to Hootenanny! 45 civilian casualties, 2.4 million in property damages, you shot a fireman in the face for chrissakes!”
“Hey, it was the heat of the moment and he came at me with an axe!”
“That was a fire extinguisher! He was trying to put out the fire you caused!” Shenanigans said, almost as angry as The Chief.
“All that would be fine if you actually got us a suspect, but the only thing we have is what appears to be boss Miyazaki McDougal’s left arm and most of his spleen. How the hell do we interrogate a spleen, Hootenanny? Riddle me that?”
“Well, if you hook it up to some electrodes…”
“I’m done! You’re both suspended, turn in your badges and guns!” Hootenanny sprang to his feet and grabbed The Chief by the collar.
“Damn it Chief! I’m this close to cracking this case wide open!” He held his fingers an inch apart uncomfortably close to The Chief’s left eye, “Word is these slant-eyed drunks are trying to summon Czernobog, the Black God!”
“What the fuck?” Shenanigans said, “Who told you that?”
“That’s not enough for me anymore Hootenanny. I’m sorry, but I’m turning the case over to O’Reilly and Johnson.”
“Devastatingly Handsome Rick? But that guy’s an asshole! A beautiful, beautiful asshole!”
“Also,” Shenanigans chimed in, “O’Reilly’s a killing machine, like, literally a machine built exclusively for killing organic lifeforms. He doesn’t even have hands!”
“Yeah but they get the job done, unlike you two! Now badges, guns, on my desk, now!”
“You know what, I’m sort of okay with this,” Shenanigans said as he dropped his badge and gun on the Chief’s desk, “At least I won’t have to hang out with this Maniac anymore…” As he turned to leave Hootenanny frantically began patting himself down.
“So, just the gun you gave me, right? I can keep the rest?” Hootenanny patted himself down, drawing his twin Deagles, a variety of other handguns, a tomahawk, and an mp5 before finally finding his standard issue revolver in a small holster along his inner thigh.” He dropped it on the desk alongside his badge before grabbing his personal weapons in his arms and storming out after his former partner.
“Alright Shenanigans, what’s our next move.”
“Well,” Shenanigans turned angrily to Hootenanny, “I plan on going home until my suspensions over, and I recommend YOU check yourself into a mental hospital. It’s over Hootenanny, we’re off the case. There’s nothing more we can do.”
“Hey,” Hootenanny attempted to grab Shenanigans by the collar, but the portly detective dodged. Hootenanny then punched him in the gut, causing him to jerk forward into collar grabbing range, “When Jack Hootenanny takes a case, he doesn’t stop until he solves it! I’m not gonna let a little thing like suspension from the police force slow me down. But I need you to do this thing. We may have our differences, but… you’re the best partner I ever had, and I can’t do it without you.”
“No. You’re insane.”
“Sometimes it takes a psychotic murdered, to catch a psychotic murderer.”
“That MIGHT be relevant if we were, say, after a serial killer, but you do realize this is a drug case, right?”
“Of course! That gives me an idea! TO THE SHENANICOPTER!” Hootenanny released his death grip on Shenanigan’s collar and rushed out of the station.
“I don’t… why is it named after me?”
Shenanigans stood there for a long while, debating whether to follow him. Finally he fell back on the excuse that sidekicks to maniacs had been using since time began.
“I have to go with him, to make sure he doesn’t do anything TOO bad…”

Hours later, Hootenanny and Shenanigans stood hunched over a set of blueprint in a poorly lit basement.
“Alright partner, here are blueprints to the mansion of Sasuke O’Donnell, head honcho of the Irish Yakuza.”
“I’m just not gonna ask how you got these blueprints… so what’s the plan? Sneak in and snoop around?”
Before Hootenanny could respond there was a knock on the door. Hootenanny drew a gun and opened a slat on the door to see who was behind it. He smiled and lowered his gun as he opened the door to reveal five heavily armed muscular men.
“Shenanigans, I’d like you to meet our back-up for this venture, all ex-cops,” Shenanigans tentatively stuck out his hand and it was grasped and warmly shaken by the five men in turn, “Butch Carmine, Rick Scarlet, Johann Rotehemd, Hank Retchert, and Gustavo Rojo.”
“Nice to meet you all, I guess. More people are gonna be harder to sneak in, but I guess we can make it work…”
“Sneak?” Carmine laughed, “Ha! This guy’s funny Hoot!”
“Jack Hootenanny, never sneaks!” Hootenanny said, as he returned to the table, “We’re going in for a full frontal assault, right into the heart of the mansion!”
“Are you insane! Wait, dumb question, you do realize there are going to be dozens of guards, especially after the fiasco at the sake house!”
“Let me show you something Shenanigans.” Hootenanny came around behind Shenanigans and showed him through a door at the back of the room into an underground garage, “They can throw a hundred guards at us, and it won’t mean shit if we’re in this baby!” Hootenanny gestured wide at the Mark VII tank squatting in front of them.
“Ho-ly shit!” Shenanigans gaped, “This thing’s from World War 1!”
“I know, right? I saw it in that Indiana Jones movie and I’m like ‘I gotta get me one of those!’”
“How can you afford all these things on a detective’s salary!”
“I should be upset about that, but that’s like the least illegal thing you’ve done since I’ve met you. So does this behemoth even run!”
“Of course not! It’s like a hundred years old! The guns work though!”
Shenanigans stopped gazing at the tank and turned to his partner.
“So wait, if it doesn’t work, how are we going to drive it to the mansion?”
“Who said we were driving?”

That night, Hootenanny, Shenanigans and Hootenanny’s brute squad manned the guns of the tank as it swayed precariously below a Bell UH-1 transport helicopter.
“That’s not the Shenanicopter is it?” Shenanigans said, sitting in the navigsator’s chair and gripping the seat for dear life.
“Oh no, that’s Wedge Janssen, old war buddy, owns a helicopter.”
“I’m genuinely surprised you have this many friends that are still alive.”
Minutes later, O’Donnell’s mansion loomed on the horizon.
“So is he just going to drop us in the courtyard?”
“Yeah, Shenanigans” Hootenanny rolled his eyes sarcastically, “because we’re clearly little girls. With big pink bows in our hair. Aren’t we Rick?”
Rick, manning the left sponson, laughed, “Oh aye, wee little girls in frilly little dresses.”
Suddenly the tank shuddered as the cables holding it to the helicopter released and it began plummeting to the earth. With a deafening crash, the ancient tank hit the roof of the mansion and smashed through into the lobby, where a pair of magnificent staircases led up to the second floor.
“GOOD SHOT JANSSEN!” Hootenanny shouted into a walkie talkie at his side.
“Why does every drug lord feel like he needs to copy Scarface?” Shenanigans mused as Yakuza thugs poured into the room.
“You may fire at will, boys!” Hootenanny said, climbing from the driver’s seat and heading for the hatch. The ex-cops obliged, firing the tank’s cannons and demolishing walls and henchmen alike. Hootenanny flipped open the hatch and began firing his pistols into anyone who managed to survive the devastating cannon fire.
After a couple minutes, the tank was out of ammunition and the Yakuza were out of thugs dumb enough to enter the lobby. Hootenanny, Shenanigans and the brute squad exited the tank, and headed for the staircase, blowing away any Yakuza who had come out of hiding when the cannon fire had stopped.
“Alright, according to the blueprints, there’s a secret elevator in the office at the top of the staircases that leads to an underground bunker. That dirty Irish-Japanese dog’s probably squatting down there as we speak.” Hootenanny, reloaded his precious Deagles and dropped prone at the top of the stairs. Shenanigans dropped into place behind him, wielding a borrowed Mac-10.
“Hey before we continue, I had a question.”
“Are these guys half Irish, half Japanese, or Japanese with Irish last names, or what? It’s hard to get a good look at them when you keep exploding them like that.”
“Uh… Is it really that important?”
“No, I suppose not.”
The office at the top of the staircase was abandoned. Hootenanny tossed a grenade behind the expensive desk to be safe and entered moments later as the smoke cleared. He stepped over to the bookcase in the rear and pulled down one of the few books that had not fallen off during the explosion. The bookcase slid upwards to reveal a small elevator, which the seven men crammed into.
“Lock and load boys. This is it. Final boss time.” Hootenanny, lovingly caressed his Desert Eagles as the brute squad reloaded and prepared their own respective firearms.
“You act like this is all some game,” Shenanigans said, checking the number of rounds left in his Mac-10, “These are real people, real, ethnically confusing people we’re talking about.”
“These aren’t people,” Hootenanny, managed to pull out a cigarette and light it, “These are criminals. They gave up their human rights the second they decided they were too good for the laws of society. These… animals are a disease infecting our fair city. And we are the cure.”
“Wow, that was as insane as it was hypocritical.”
Finally, the elevator rumbled to a halt and the doors opened, revealing a dozen Yakuza thugs with guns trained on the interior. They opened fire, filling Carmine, Rotehemd, and Scarlet, the men closest to the doors, with bullets. The others used their muscular bodies as human shields as they returned fire, taking down most of the thugs and forcing the others to retreat behind a large door at the end of a hallway.
Hootenanny, Shenanigans, Rojo and Retchert stepped over the bodies of their comrades and advanced down the hallway. When they reached the door, Retchert knelt and began taking explosives out of the pack he carried on his back. As he set the first charge, a massive hook erupted straight through the steel door and withdrew, ripping the door off it’s hinges. Some-Kind-Of-Death-Machine O’Reilly tossed the door aside and wrapped the hooks and chains on his other limb around Retchert, who screamed as he was drawn into range of the smaller limbs, which quickly began tearing him to pieces.
Rojo fired at the detective, but his bullets ricocheted off the black chitinous armour plates protecting his grotesque torso.
“Madre de Dios!” The ex-cop screamed as he dropped his gun, “Our weapons our useless, reliance upon them is death!” He turned to run but was suddenly transfixed by a bolt of searing electricity from the cannon affixed to O’Reilly’s “tail”.
“Oh Fuck! We’re fucked!” Shenanigans backed slowly toward the elevator as Hootenanny advanced angrily.
“I knew it, you Irish fuck! Nothing worse than a dirty cop!” He aimed one of his pistols at the detective’s head, then lowered it toward the bag of explosives Retchert had abandoned that the creature was currently hovering directly above.
“The doctor is in.” Hootenanny fired and the bag detonated, engulfing the corrupt detective in flames and eliciting a hideous shriek, as he fell to the ground. Hootenanny took a few steps back, and then took a running leap over O’Reilly’s flaming carcass and into the room he had been protecting. At the other end the Yakuza boss was being helped to his feet by the only two goons to survive O’Reilly’s explosive death. Hootenanny gunned the two thugs down mercilessly and stood over the Yakuza boss.
“Alright O’Donnell, just you and me now.”
“Ya crazy bastad!” O’Donnell spat, “What the hell do ye want boy?”
“Why are you bringing toasters into my city? Are you trying to summon the Black God with some sort of toaster electrocution sacrifice? Like… maybe in a lake… or something… like, drop em all in…”
“Ye doss cunt, the toaster’s’re full a Heroin! Did ye even look at ‘em? It’ t’aint even a good disguise, I mean, juss a cheap shell, ye can take apart wit ye bare hands!”
“Oh… that makes sense I guess. CASE SOLVED!” Hootenanny put a bullet in O’Donnell’s head and climbed back out of the room.
“Man, Shenanigans, you’re never gonna believe…” Hootenanny looked own the smoke filled hallway to where Shenanigans lay slumped against a wall, “Shenanigans? Partner?” Hootenanny rushed to Shenanigan’s side where he saw he was still barely alive, “Shenanigans! What happened?”
Shenanigans’ eyes flickered open weakly.
“There… was an explosion… you dumb bastard…”
“Don’t die on me Shenanigans!”
“In fact, I’m a bit confused how you managed to just shrug it off…”
“I need you buddy… you’re my partner! You can’t have the crazy guy without the straight man…”
“I mean… you were standing closer than me…”
“And speaking of ‘straight man’, I think I might be gay.”
“That’s… really not that surprising…”
“Yeah, I don’t know, I just have a powerful hankering to bone some dudes.”
“Can it wait… til you get me to a hospital?”
“Oh, yeah, I’m on it!”

For the third time in as many days Hootenanny and Shenanigans sat in The Chief’s office. The Chief stood silently, his back turned to the detectives. Finally he spoke.
“Do you know how much trouble you two are in? 168 dead. 3 million in property damage. And without a goddamn badge between the two of you to justify it,”
He turned to face them, his face a picture of disdain and rage, exemplifying an entirely new emotion known only as “disdaige”.
“Chief, I can explain…” Shenanigans tried to rise but was stopped, and sat back dopwn, clutching his bandaged chest. The disdaige on The Chief’s face melted into a sly smile.
“…and you wiped out the entire Irish Yakuza leadership base, taking out a dirty cop in the process. That was some of the finest god-damn police work I’ve ever seen.”
“I know! Right?” Hootenanny said excitedly, “We got to drop a tank on a mansion, and I shot like thirty guys in the face, Oh! And it was heroin. The toasters are full of heroin.”
“Huh. Makes sense. Welcome back to the force you two!”
“I would comment on this turn of events,” Shenanigans said, as a look of bliss passed over him, “But it looks like the morphine is kicking in. Hooray for police!”
“That’ll be commendations for the both of you!” The Chief said, as he pulled a pair of medals shaped like explosions from his desk.
“Thanks Chief, but I’m just glad justice was finally served.”
“Now, let’s get to work on that Fudge Calhoun, Sex Detective Spin-off”
“The Chocolate Fuck Machine? I’d read that!”
“Good night Folks!”

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ask Dr. Thunder Episode 301

Hello! And welcome to Ask Dr. Thunder's new format! You may be wondering why we are no longer shooting videos. Funny Story: So we were shooting the latest episode when I accidentally summoned Drak'thor the World Eater while answering an elderly Swiss woman's question about canker sores. Luckily, I managed to slay the beast using Far'adrin'cronok, King of All Swords, which I had been using to balance out a table in the break room, but not before the beast managed to slay my entire staff and destroy Sophisticobra Studios.
Unfortunately, due to the 97% fatality rate of my employees, it has become increasingly difficult to meet my staffing needs, especially since I refuse to work with unions. Luckily, I remembered the dying words of my webmaster, Hogarth the Stout, as the World Eater devoured his soul. "blog!" he said, or maybe "BLAAAARRRGGHHHH!" it was kind of hard to tell what with his entrails all up in his mouth, luckily, after an intense round of googling, I found this blog, which conveniently already had my name in it and took over! So let's get started!
Our first question comes from Scarlett, Rodriguez in Madrid, Wyoming. She writes:

Dear Dr. Thunder,
I am looking for a used car to take with me on camping trips. I am torn between the Toyota Rav4 and the Isuzu Amigo. Which one should I pick?

Well Steven, let's look at the pros and cons of each vehicle:
The Rav4, often called "The Auschwitz of Motor Vehicles" has been called the worst thing ever made in the history of mankind. Not just car, everything. The cramped, universally foul smelling interior has been known to make those unfortunate enough to be trapped within envy the dead. It's design has been known to cause blindness in infants and the elderly. The engine is made mostly of cardboard, spiders, and the bones of the damned and it gets 4 miles to the gallon. On the plus side, Kelly blue book lists the average value at around -$600, which is the average price those poor souls are willing to pay you to take the car off their hands and/or destroy it.
The Isuzu Amigo, on the other hand, is the Chrome Steel of automobiles, meaning it is resistant to corrosion, it gets excellent fuel economy, comfortably seats 4, and has a stylish, sporty design. The downside is that the engine is made mostly of plastic, except for the transmission, which is made of peanut brittle.
My recommendation is to take the money you would spend on a car, and instead spend it on a handgun, then use that handgun to kill yourself and anyone whose life you value so little that you would be willing to have given them rides in your hellish deathtrap of a car. Next question!

Dear Dr. Thunder,
Was James Franco stoned when he hosted the Oscars?

No. He was James Goddamn Franco. Haven't you seen any of his movies? Seriously? Well that's all the patience I have for this weeks episode of Ask Dr. Thunder! Tune in next week, and probably be disappointed, then continue to tune in until I actually do post the next one! And be sure to send your emails to where a trained professional will eat them. Peace bitches!